A girl in the city

A girl in the city

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This is a typical behaviour we get to see in the early adult age. Anger issues sound louder. Lack of concentration and attracting distractions are more colourful.

This is the story of more than 75% of this age group. Unable to focus on career. In need of money but don't want to work hard. This is the age when we love to swing and sing. And get bored with planning, career, and serious relationships, likely to earn but dislikes to work.

This is the case I got to study in a girl where I found out these are the most common behaviours we get to see around us. Where the girl is in a full swing and cheerful. Holding anger issues. Achieving low grades. Hanging out with friends. Vexed with execrations. facing mood swings and constant anxiety issues. Heavy behavioural fluctuations are a hard list of symptoms but are easily rectified with time taking and close observation from near and dear.